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Founded in 2023, Rated13+ began as an idea one day when I started dabbling in online sneaker auctions. As a 40-something-year-old man with a size 13 foot, I found myself disappointed in what was out there. The supply of Size 13 & Up sneakers were either too pricey or just plain ugly. That is when I discovered that there are still good quality sneakers out there that are New or 'Pre-Loved' and most importantly affordable. Rated13+ curates a collection of sneakers for size 13 and beyond.
At Rated13+, We believe we would never sell a sneaker I wouldn't wear myself. I put extra effort, pride, and craftsmanship into my work. We pay close attention to every detail when bringing some love to sneakers. From perfecting the shape of the toe box to carefully painting any areas, we ensure that every pair receives the attention it deserves so that you can take them out of the box and enjoy them to the fullest! We are a shoe store that provides sneakers for big feet.
We offer a wide variety of Sizes 13 and up sneakers. This includes New and "Pre-Loved." Let's talk about that for a second. I know the first thing people think of "Pre-Loved" sneakers is that it's just another word for "Used", and in reality.... they are. However, just because a pair of sneakers may have had some life in them, it doesn't mean there still isn't life to be had. Rated13+ only selects sneakers that we feel will provide you with years of use and heat for your feet!!
Rated13+ is constantly striving to give the public what they want. If you have any ideas or suggestions on a sneaker you are looking for or any other feedback, please feel free to drop us a line!!