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Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We source sneakers from many different places to guarantee we can provide the best prices possible. All of our items are guaranteed 100% Genuine and authentic.
'Pre-Loved' sneakers are sneakers that I cannot guarantee are new. They may have only been worn once or they may have had some restoration efforts made. We make sure that each and every pair of sneakers whether 'New' or 'Pre-Loved' have been thoroughly cleaned, sanitized and ready for you to wear. We stand by our work and would never put a sneaker on here that we would not wear. Trust me, we want to keep them all!!
We are constantly adding product to our catalog so please make sure to subscribe to check back often. Also, please send us an email if you are looking for something in particular.
Please allow 48-72 hours to process your order. We ship all orders via USPS Priority Mail and will provide a tracking number once your shipment has been completed.
Rated13+ accepts returns on New items purchased within 30 days. For Pre-Loved purchases, we accept returns on items returned within 5 business days from delivery of your purchase. Please make sure to inspect all photos and read the Rated13+ personal notes before making a purchase. Original condition means that the item includes the original packaging, and the item is undamaged and in sellable condition. All sneakers must be returned in the condition in which they were sent. Once the item is returned to us and inspected, we will process a refund back to the original purchase method within five business days, minus the shipping fee. Please click here to initiate a refund request.